I have many, many records I've collected over the years. I started collecting them in 2021, after I realized my new neighborhood had a record store, and got addicted. This is by no means an exhaustive list, it's just ones that I especially like or have something to say about. I also collect CDs, but I'll list those somewhere else so as not to clutter this list. I hope you enjoy looking through my collection!

Album April Fools by The Scary Jokes
I got this when Needlejuice got a new website and had a little sale on all its records. I got the Icicles LP, which is a really nifty clear blue and white pinwheel design. The remaster is REALLY GOOD, too. In 2019, April Fools was just about all I'd listen to during my daily commute, so a new version of it with an even more atmospheric sound was a treat. I love the gatefold art, too. I always liked the little devil thing. It came with a sticker of it, which I put on my phone case a while back. I peeled it off when I wanted to put a new sticker on it, but, because of the weird texture my (drop-proof, so it's a leathery rubber) phone case has, it left a sort of shiny shadow on it that I think, one, would impede on the sticker I was going to put on it, and, two, looks pretty cool anyway.
Album Now You Are One Of Us by The Paper Chase
Oh my GOD I love this album. I learned about The Paper Chase in Fall 2020 and it was a blessing to my little twelve year old ears. I listened to a Youtube upload of this album quite literally nonstop for the next three months. Come Christmas the next year, it turns out my mother, as per my pleas that Halloween (as I thought it would be perfect Halloween music), bought me a copy of it off of Discogs. Specifically one that shipped from fucking Austria! When I unwrapped it, I screamed like the teenage girl I was, except, rather than the boy band poster one would associate that trope with, it was at a photo of a naked man hanging himself. I really like lyric booklets and inserts, too, so it made me really happy to see that it came with a big one. On the album itself and in the booklet, there's weird uncomfortable collages of photos of medical gore. I love them to bits. They look like how the album sounds.
Album Sung Tongs by Animal Collective
I actually rarely listened to Animal Collective before buying this record. I saw it on the shelf of the record store in my neighborhood while they were closing, so a lot of their records were on sale. The album art immediately caught my eye. I love creepy shit, if you couldn't tell from the previous entry, and I love bright colors. The album title is written in tiny bones!! I had only listened to one Animal Collective song before- specifically Floridada, which I absolutely loved, so I knew I had to buy this one. I believe I had a few songs off this record downloaded onto my phone during a very, very long flight, which helped me sleep. I should listen to more of their work.
Album View Monster by Lemon Demon
A genuinely timeless classic. This shipped to my place on Neil Cicierega's birthday along with Spirit Phone, and, to celebrate the occasion, my sibling got two lemon Table Talk pies and took a red sharpie to the box of one of them and made it a "Demon Pie", and we had a little Neil birthday party. I had the demon pie. We got the Autofocus LP, which is a blue and red "butterfly vinyl" with white splatters in it. I actually prefer the X-Ray Glasses LP, which is clear with a glow in the dark green splatter, but, hey, at least Autofocus is a reference to one of my favorite songs off the record. I associate the entire album with being a little kid, half because I listened to it when I was a little kid, and half because Neil's songwriting is just so good. The untitled tracks are my absolute favorites off the record, especially view-monster, afterafternoon, and disconnect.
Album Geogaddi by Boards of Canada
Ahhhh, the record that got me into Boards of Canada. I went to Earwax Records in Williamsburg, really cool place, and was looking around when I happened upon this. I begged my mom to buy it for me, which was, at the time, a stupid decision, since I had quite literally only listened to Beware the Friendly Stranger (thanks David Firth) and had no right to blow nearly 50 dollars on an album I knew one song from. Of course, this decision ended up paying off. I listened to the album every day on the train ride to school- which coincidentally turned out to be the exact length of the album itself- and started listening to more and more BoC. Now, as of writing this, it's my third most listened to band on my last.fm, and my most listened to album ever. A personal favorite of mine off this is The Smallest Weird Number. There's something about it that nearly brings me to tears every time I listen to it.
Album Album Minus Band by Bomb The Music Industry!
I feel like, in keeping with the generally candid lyrics of this and many other Jeff Rosenstock albums, I should come clean about the fact that I'm kind of trying to fill a quota here at this point. I want to have the same bands on that little list in my interest section in here, so I'm digging up anything that might work in that regard. With that out of the way, Bomb the Music Industry! is my favorite band quite literally of all time. I heard of their music through one of my friends posting a meme where the backing track is, for whatever reason, a nightcored version of Ready Set No, and, as with most of the bands I've listed here, I was immediately hooked. This album and To Leave Or Die In Long Island were essentially my bible. I saw Jeff Rosenstock in concert the summer of my sophomore year and cried so hard during Future 86 that I got nauseous.